Maybe, you've seen a blue moon, and maybe you've seen a blood moon, but you haven't seen a super blue blood moon.

Early tomorrow (January 31st) will feature the first super blue blood moon since 1866, according to So what exactly is a super blood blue moon anyway? Let's break it down.

We all know that a blue moon is the second full moon in a calendar month, and they're pretty common. Then there are those times that the moon is full when it is near it's closest approach to the earth, and that's a supermoon.

And then of course a lunar eclipse gives the moon that orange glow, which is referred to as a blood moon. Put it all together and you have a super blue blood moon, and it's extremely rare.

The bad news for us here in the Garden State is that we're in an area that is expected to only have partial visibility of the lunar eclipse, according to, but the good news is you can watch NASA's coverage of this event starting at 5:30am tomorrow (January 31st).

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