Once the Summer weather hits, 9/10 you will find me in the outdoors.

But here is the thing....I think like a little kid where you will also very rarely find me just sitting down doing nothing.

I love...Love....LoVE.......LOOOOVEEE games so when you mix it in with the beach and pool, I am a happy gal.


You can be in the water staying cool or getting tan on the sand while having a good, yet competitive match between friends.

Water Polo

This game is probably best if you are only into athletics because there is wrestling, jumping, diving, and it can get pretty intense. Kind of like soccer, but just in water.

Paddle Board

It could be with paddle boards, tennis rackets, a ball, or a birdie! Whatever you use, just do it and see how many consecutive passes you can get!

Kan Jam

This is probably one of the most old school games but there is a reason it has become a classic. Get your Frisbee in the can...it is that simple.


It may be difficult to have a full blown match on the sand during prime time beach hours but have a juggling circle right near the water! Who knows how many people will join in.


Just something as simple as having a football catch can be fun on the beach, especially if you play in the water and have the added difficulty of battling the waves.

Water Pong

Don't judge me but there are floats designed for this game for a reason! Plus, there are other floats designed for other games like battleship and what not, all designed for playing IN water.

Did I miss anything? Please comment below so I can give it a try.

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