What's the most popular month to give birth? What's the most popular day of the week for a baby to pop out? Did you know any of the following facts?

-- The average age of a new mother is now 25. That's a new record. The average age has risen nearly four years since 1970.

-- August is the most popular month for babies being born. July comes in a close second.

-- The most popular day of the week to have a baby is Tuesday!

-- Although most births happen in hospitals, there are about 35,000 births each year that take place outside of hospitals and attended by doctors, midwives...or sometimes EMTs for those who couldn't make it to the hospital in time!

-- 55% of working women had infants in 2002, down from a record 59% in 1998. This is the first significant decline in this rate since the Census Bureau began calculating in 1976. Back then, only 31% of mothers with infants were working.

-- The number of single mothers living with children under 18 is up to 10 million. Back in 1970, it was only 3 million.

-- The number of single moms who have custody of their kids who are owed child support: around 5.6 million.

-- According to the Marketing to Moms Coalition, 85% of moms are the ones who decide for their family what purchases will be made for the household.

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