My wife Diane and I had a chance to visit Mrs.Pribila's and Mrs. Gonzalez's 1st grade class at Spruce Street School in Lakewood a few times during the school year. We feel like we unofficilly adopted that class this year and we had a chance to wish them a great summer yesterday. The kids are great, and were so happy and there was that special excitement that could only mean one thing... summer break is right around the corner.  

For me, the last day of school was my second favorite day of the year behind Christmas. Do you remember just how long the summer seemed to you as a child? No school until September??? I still get chills. Now it's time for swimming, ice cream trucks and everything else that's great about summer! 

So, here's to a great summer 2012 for you and your kids. I hope you make some great memories, and I hope it doesn't go by too quickly! Enjoy! And a big hello to Mrs. Pribila's and Mrs. Gonzalez's 1st grade class, and all the kids at Spruce Street School!!

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