I came way too close to ending up on the side of the road, stranded, with no gas.

Life is so busy. So many errands to run. Sometimes I find myself running down lists of things to do as I get in the car.

Quite obviously, I have been ignorning the dashboard gas guage. Not entirely, though. I mean, I DID notice when the 'ding' and the warning light came on, but I looked down and saw two bars left.

Surely that was enough to get me through the last of my errands...and THEN I would stop for gas.

Except that I got distracted and FORGOT to stop for gas.

I headed home, made dinner, tucked the boys in, and went to sleep.

It wasn't until I passed the very last gas station on my way to work at 4:45 the next morning that I remembered....and when I looked down I realized I was in big trouble.

I made it to the parking lot at work despite the fact that all I wanted was to turn around and try to get back to that gas station.

But that would have made me late for work.

So, instead, I fretted throughout the morning show hoping that I would make it for gas before getting stranded.

Thanks to Lou knowing about a gas station close by, I was able to avoid getting stuck...this time.

I'd like to think I'll never let this happen again.

Have you ever run out of gas?

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