The people have voted. And here are the 'wackiest' pet names:

VPI Pet Insurance went through the names of the pets they insure and then had people vote on the weirdest ones. Here are some of them:

1. Chew Barka

2. Nigel Nosewhistle

3. Spark Pug

4. Stinkerbell

5. Kitty Gaga

6. Pico De Gato

7. Dingleberry

8. Sir Maui Senqkey Schwykle

9. Schnikelfritz

10. Koobenfargen

11. Sassy Pants

12. Vincent Van Furrball

13. Vienna Sausage

14. Senorita Margarita

15. Mister Bigglesworth

What are your pets' names? Share below!

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