
My Tips For Stress Free Decorating
My Tips For Stress Free Decorating
My Tips For Stress Free Decorating
Christopher Furlong, Getty Images It's another holiday weekend. Time to decorate! Inevitably, there's going to be some stress, right? Anything from broken decorations to faulty lights can set you off. So, is there anything you can do to ease the tension? reports that Christmas Decor president Blake Smith says yes there is. Among his suggestions, use quality products, keep it simple and h
Christmas Lights Already? It’s Too Soon!
Christmas Lights Already? It’s Too Soon!
Christmas Lights Already? It’s Too Soon!
While driving home one night recently, I saw a brightly lit house from the road, and as I got closer, sure was Christmas lights. This wasn't a big project that someone was getting a start on either. This was a fully completed Christmas light display...