Everybody has tips and advice for losing weight or burning calories this time of year, and many of them aren't practical or realistic, but some may be a pleasant surprise to you.

Of course, we hear things like "wake up at 4:00 am and do a 5 mile run". Great advice...if there were 28 hours in that particular day.  Or how about sitting on an exercise ball at work instead of a chair.  Not sure how that will fly with HR.

But here are some calorie burning tid bits that will actually make you feel pretty good. We go past the obvious ones like walking up the stairs instead of using the elevator or delivering a file to a co-worker in person instead of emailing it.

Did you know that you can burn some calories simply by stretching? Or how about laughing? 10-15 minutes of laughter can burn 10-40 calories. Instead of sitting all, day try to stand for one hour. That will burn some calories, too.

Check out more suggestions at msn.com.

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