'Tis the season for gifts, and joy, and cheer and the office holiday party. Here are ways the experts say you can get through the office party in great shape.

One of the first thing you should do according to the experts, is to get familiar with the names of all the people expected to be there. There is nothing more awkward than not knowing a name you should absolutely know, especially if you should be introducing your spouse or date, and you are obviously avoiding doing that. Ouch.

The experts, reports msn.com also say to play it cool. Don't make the whole night a quest to speak with everyone in management and upper management. Make sure you greet "your boss and, perhaps your boss' boss" then let all the rest of the conversations occur naturally if at all.

And the experts say that you should make sure not to bore people. Once they start looking around or down, you should wrap up your story, and find another group to spend some time with. Basically, don't overstay your welcome.

Those are some some simple rules so you can relax, not put your foot in your mouth, and actually enjoy your office holiday party!

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