Monmouth County Sheriff Shaun Golden visited Lou & Liz to talk about National Prescription Drug Take Back Day.

National Prescription Drug Take Back Day takes place tomorrow (April 28th), and you can surrender unused and expires medication at the Monmouth County Sheriff's office at 2500 Kosloski Road in Freehold.

A sheriff's officer will be present and the Take Back Day runs from 10:00am to 2:00 pm. The program is anonymous and there will be no questions asked of participants.

Sheriff Golden points to the fact that opiate and heroine abuse are often fueled by prescription drug abuse, highlighting the importance of disposing of these expired or unused prescription medications properly, according to the Monmouth County Sheriff's website.

There is also a permanent collection site, which is located right near the front of the Monmouth County Sheriff's office that residents can utilize anytime, all year long.

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