Naughtiest and Nicest Kid Names
A new study reveals the names of the children who are the best and worst behaved in school. Is your child's name on the list of nicest or biggest trouble-makers, lol?!
Here are the lists of the top names of children MOST LIKELY TO GET IN TROUBLE at school:
For girls: Ella, Bethany, Eleanor, Olivia, Laura, Holly, Courtney, Amber, Caitlin, and Jade.
For boys: Joseph, Cameron, William, Jake, Joshua, Jamie, Lewis, Benjamin, Ethan, and Luke.
And here are the lists of the tops names of kids who BEHAVE THE BEST at school:
For girls: Amy, Georgia, Emma, Charlotte, Grace, Sophie, Abigail, Hannah, Emily, and Alice.
For boys: Jacob, Daniel, Thomas, James, Adam, Harry, Samuel, Jack, Oliver, and Ryan.
The study involved over 60,000 kids.
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