
Eyelash Extensions And Lice
Eyelash Extensions And Lice
Eyelash Extensions And Lice
Eyelash extensions are the latest trend in the beauty industry. They are something I am considering because, well my eyelashes look non existent without mascara or false lashes. The reason I have not indulged in them is
Selfie Film Challenges Mothers and Daughters to Redefine Beauty
Selfie Film Challenges Mothers and Daughters to Redefine Beauty
Selfie Film Challenges Mothers and Daughters to Redefine Beauty
There seems to be an art to taking a good selfie. Put your hand on your hip to get the skinny arm. Tilt your head and bring the camera up to get the perfect angle of your face. Widen your eyes and slightly pout your lips in a friendly yet seductive yet not-looking-like-you're-trying-too-hard kind of way. But what if all that changed?
Beauty Habits
Beauty Habits
Beauty Habits
A new magazine poll ( has some interesting results. 56% of those polled say they have gone months without replacing their mascara. 53% say they never wash their makeup brushes. 78% of us wear mascara and/or eyeliner making it the number one thing women would choose if they didn't have time for full-0n makeup...