It’s here, it’s here! At long last, the reunion no one in the history of ever wanted is here! Comet may be dead, but Full House lives on, awash in nostalgia for the milkman, the paperboy, evening TV and all. Yes, the first Fuller House teaser has arrived, complete with a February premiere date, in case you wonder what ever happened to predictability.
Jimmy Fallon and his skits/videos always make me laugh, and his latest is no exception.
Not only did he reunite the guys of Full House on Late Night, they transported us back to 1990 as they helped Jimmy conquer his bedtime sadness with their signature taglines, over-the-top sweetness, and of course, a song.
When it comes to the Super Bowl, I am really just in it for the Halftime show and the ads...and this year this is one ad I'm really looking forward to.