Have you or a grossed out friend seen the video of a packaged fish filet from Costco, complete with a worm crawling in it?
It's supposed to serve as a 'warning' about the freshness of the store's food...but...it's leaving out some important info.
Just when you thought people couldn't get any weirder with the stuff they are willing to create and then EAT (I'm looking at you, Kim K.), here we are.
I'm not sure if it's her attention-whore ways, or her stupid crying face that accompanies every crocodile tear, but Kim Kardashian annoys the bejeezus out of me.
Now, not only is she annoying, but she's gross too.
I'm not a parent, so I'm sure my nose has to be exposed to the really horrific odors in life.
I can tell you though, that there is one smell that we can all agree belongs in the ultimate top ten list of offensive odors, and I accidentally caused it to stink up my house last night.
So what was it?
I love living at the Jersey Shore. I often find myself defending this area from the numerous stereotypes we all know and hate.
This weekend I was reminded of why these stereotypes exist.