Turn Up Your Weekend With The Coors Light Jersey Shore RemixTurn Up Your Weekend With The Coors Light Jersey Shore RemixThe Jersey Shore Remix spins every Saturday night on 94.3 The Point. 94.3 The Point94.3 The Point
Jersey Shore Remix LIVE [PHOTOS]Jersey Shore Remix LIVE [PHOTOS]Laurie Cataldo broadcasts live for the Jersey Shore Remix at River Rock in Brick! PromotionsPromotions
Song Pick Of The Week – Jessie J – “Domino” [VIDEO]Song Pick Of The Week – Jessie J – “Domino” [VIDEO]This song is my current music obsession. It makes me super happy, I use it at the gym, rock out to it in the car, and blast it in the studio to the annoyance of my coworkers. I love it...check out the video and listen for it in the mix this hour...Laurie CataldoLaurie Cataldo