
Why Most Jersey Shore Parents Deserve A Pat On The Back
Why Most Jersey Shore Parents Deserve A Pat On The Back
Why Most Jersey Shore Parents Deserve A Pat On The Back
In the news world, "bad news is good news." On a daily basis, we see a ton of negative news headlines because media outlets know those stories will generate viewership and revenue. To be honest, I hate it... This article is the exact opposite - GOOD NEWS IS GOOD NEWS!
I Got Mom Shamed In Front Of My Daughter...Was I Wrong?
I Got Mom Shamed In Front Of My Daughter...Was I Wrong?
I Got Mom Shamed In Front Of My Daughter...Was I Wrong?
Have you ever felt like you were outside of your body when a jarring experience was happening to you? Almost like you were so taken off guard that you feel like it's happening to someone else entirely? That's how I felt this weekend when a total stranger shamed me right in front of my daughter. I was stunned but left wondering if the woman who shamed me had a point.
Jersey Shore Schools with Most Drugs and Alcohol [LIST]
Jersey Shore Schools with Most Drugs and Alcohol [LIST]
Jersey Shore Schools with Most Drugs and Alcohol [LIST]
These numbers are reported by each district, so each jurisdiction is responsible for reporting their results fairly and accurately. But they are required by law to report them. ~ Mike Yaple (Spokesman for the state Department of Education) We all hope our high schools do not make this list, but officials have put together a list of the schools in New Jersey with the highest "reported" ca

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