I thought, when I was in school, that the toughest years were the ones in middle school. The middle school marked a time when you left the "elementary" school days.
In the news world, "bad news is good news." On a daily basis, we see a ton of negative news headlines because media outlets know those stories will generate viewership and revenue. To be honest, I hate it... This article is the exact opposite - GOOD NEWS IS GOOD NEWS!
First let me say that my kids are grown and out of school, so for me, there is no agenda when it comes to "back to school" this is merely my observation and asking questions that I see others saying to themselves and friends.
Have you ever felt like you were outside of your body when a jarring experience was happening to you? Almost like you were so taken off guard that you feel like it's happening to someone else entirely? That's how I felt this weekend when a total stranger shamed me right in front of my daughter. I was stunned but left wondering if the woman who shamed me had a point.
We are not only facing Winter months and the cold, but we are also dealing with the Coronavirus Pandemic. So it's more important than ever to keep our families safe and yes have some FUN too!
9-year-old Wall Township resident Alan Bagagem is a child who loves to play soccer, basketball and loves to run, is now confined to a hospital room with severe pain in his legs and fear of more seizures.
These numbers are reported by each district, so each jurisdiction is responsible for reporting their results fairly and accurately. But they are required by law to report them. ~ Mike Yaple (Spokesman for the state Department of Education)
We all hope our high schools do not make this list, but officials have put together a list of the schools in New Jersey with the highest "reported" ca