Attention allergy sufferers: It's time to stock up on boxes of tissues. Ragweed pollen levels in New Jersey are supposed to be nasty the next couple months.
We've hit the point of the year where summer is starting wind down and eventually transition into fall which means leaves falling, weather getting cool and allergies flaring up all over again.
By now you've probably seen the video out of Cumberland County of a massive amount of pollen bursting from a tree. It's just one of the signs of a what's been a very impactful allergy season.
You probably have noticed that green film on your car's windshield of late, and your nose may have also noticed it: one of the heaviest pollen seasons in New Jersey in recent memory, a so-called "pollen tsunami."
Even though many are complaining about their allergies already, the experts say the ragweed pollen levels are low, but by week's end, that will all change.
Everywhere you go in Monmouth and Ocean Counties people are sniffling. Some have colds and some are dealing with seasonal allergies. Either way, it's no fun.
As we were all being distracted by the impending invasion of the cicada, we were struck by the attack of the pollen. The Jersey Shore is turning into a science fiction movie.
Rain sucks. It makes your hair frizzy, ruins your shoes, makes you tired all day, and generally puts everyone in a bad mood.
It is however, good for one thing, and that is saving you a couple bucks.