Life is about earning a second chance when you've done wrong, but is there a limit to how many second chances you get? In the Final Part of our Series on Jail Life, a repeat drug offender at the Monmouth County Correctional Institution insists this time is for real.
Does bail reform help or hurt more people, particularly drug offenders? On Day Four of our series about Jail Life at the Monmouth County Correctional Institution, Sheriff Shaun Golden explains how bail reform has thrown a wrench in the rehab process.
As the drug epidemic wreaking havoc at the Jersey Shore continues to get worse year after year, in inmate at the Monmouth County Correctional Institute talks with us about what got him hooked on Day Two of our series on Incarcerated Life.
If you've never been incarcerated, then you likely don't know, but if you have been, then you know all too well what happens inside a jail or a prison. We explore that on Day One of an Exclusive WOBM News series inside the Monmouth County Correctional Institution.
The drug and alcohol treatment facility, Turning Point Inc., has announced that they'll be opening up a new location in Ocean County, which ranks second in New Jersey for the highest amount of drug overdoses.