DWI Checkpoints This WeekendDWI Checkpoints This WeekendExtra troopers will be on patrol throughout the weekend and sobriety checkpoints are being established at three popular locations around the state.Adam HochronAdam Hochron
Shore WorkingShore WorkingWe know what a big tradition St. Patrick's Day is here at the Jersey Shore. So much so, that lots of people take the day off to celebrate.Lou RussoLou Russo
Irish for a day? Prepare for big St. Patrick’s Day crowds in NJIrish for a day? Prepare for big St. Patrick’s Day crowds in NJIf you're heading out to celebrate Friday, may the luck of the Irish be with you.Dino FlammiaDino Flammia
Poll ResultsPoll ResultsWe asked Jersey Shore residents to tell us their favorite thing about St. Patrick's Day and the results are in.Lou RussoLou Russo
St. Patrick's DaySt. Patrick's DayThis weekend marks the kickoff of St. Patrick's Day season here at the Jersey Shore with the Belmar St. Patty's Day Parade. What's your favorite thing about St. Patrick's Day at the Shore?Lou RussoLou Russo