What NOT to say when you see someone with a drastic haircut.

Yesterday I was walking down the hallway at work and saw a friend of mine. I did a double-take because her beautiful, long hair was...GONE!

I was so surprised that I think I said something like "What happened to your hair?" OOPS...looking back, I think I may have sounded like I didn't like it...but really I was just so surprised that she cut off so much of her hair.

I didn't mean my comment as an insult, so once Lou and Nancy told me (live on the morning show, of course) that I may have hurt her feelings, I went back over to her and told her that she is beautiful no matter if her hair is long or short and that I only meant that I missed her long hair because I loved it so much. And I reminded her that it would grow back soon enough...

... which probably made it even worse, huh? I am so awkward at keeping my mouth shut! I love this girl and she truly IS beautiful even if she had NO hair, but I am really good at sticking my foot in my mouth and not thinking before I speak.

If she had said she purposely cut it short, I would of course have been supportive. And even this morning, now that she has styled it herself, she is happier with it.

But she was miserable that her hair had been chopped when she had NOT asked her hairdresser to do such a thing. So I was merely sympathizing with her and letting her vent about it.

My point is that we've all been there....trusting a hair stylist to understand our description of how we want our hair cut, only to walk out in tears and having to face the world when the hairdresser's interpretation is different from what we had in mind.

Fortunately for me, I have an amazing hairdresser that I love love LOVE and I figure now is a GREAT time to tell her just how much she means to me!!! She's gorgeous and has somehow worked miracles to make my hair look as nice as her own hair! So, Lea, thank you from the bottom of my heart!!! Under her picture is one of me and how she's done my hair.

lea deloy
(Lea at Styling Company in Belmar, photo by lizjeressi)
(photo by Lea Deloy)

PS...for the record, the picture at the top of this blog is not my co-worker's hair, It's just a random pic of the back of someone's gorgeous head of hair, lol.

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