If you wanted to buy someone every item in the "12 Days Of Christmas" song....be prepared to pay over $100-thousand!!! The cost of partridges, pear trees and turtle doves has spiked. Gold rings are holding steady. PNC Wealth Management says shoppers who buy all 364 items mentioned in the song will pay more even though  the cost of maids-a-milking and lords-a-leaping hasn't risen. Buying just one of the items in each verse will cost more than $24-thousand this year. That's a moderate 3.5 percent rise. Other items from the song whose prices didn't go up in cost this year were the French hens, calling birds, and ladies dancing. Pipers piping and drummers drumming rose 3 percent. The partridge is still the cheapest item at $15. Swans are the most expensive. I think I'll just stick with SINGING the song.

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