Are you noticing the crowds at the gym disappearing? Everyone's back to eating carbs, smoking, drinking wine, and doing all the things they swore they'd give up in 2015!

Except us, Money Challengers! Don't quit now, let's keep it going!

$10 bill
Laurie Cataldo

It's Week 4 of the Money Challenge, and depending which way you're doing the challenge, you're either finally hitting double digits, or passing the $200 mark!

This week you'll save $4 or, for the reversers, $49.

(I'm going in reverse, and I know it's been tough to save so much every week, but I'm hoping the small sacrifices will be worth it!)

Money challenged reversed
Laurie Cataldo, Townsquare Media

and the original:

money challenge

Great job everyone!

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