The community didn't want dunes installed to help protect from now this options is what has been chosen to try and keep the ocean away from the boardwalk and beach homes.

pt beach barrier 2
(Photo courtesy of Nancy Santoriello)

Some locals are worried their view may be blocked or that this won't be a pretty sight.

For years residents have argued and debated as to whether or not dunes would even be effective in keeping another hurricane from destroying their homes and roads. Some say that all the dunes would do would be to push MORE sand onto their streets and that nothing could be a match for a hurricane should we get hit with the likes of Sandy again.

Yet officials have pushed and pushed for more protection along the beaches, and most Monmouth/Ocean towns seem to have put up some semblance of 'protection'...but Point Pleasant Beach has long been a hold out, among others. (In fact, Belmar was looking pretty scary last week with waves coming precariously close to reaching Ocean Avenue. Click here for that story/photos.)

Some have argued that beach replenishment has been enough -- that hauling in extra sand and putting up storm fencing is sufficient.

Others have said that Point Beach has a lot more of a sand footprint between the ocean and boardwalk than other towns and that the barriers should only be required for towns that have a lot less beach between the ocean and houses.

All that said, this is what's happening currently in Pt. Beach. What are your thoughts?

For details on the Sea Wall construction, CLICK HERE.

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