2017 Jersey Shore Beach Badge Prices
Ready to get back on the beach? It's time to get those beach badges, and we've got all the info you need right here.
Monmouth County
- FREE, but there's a parking fee.
Call 732-615-2260
- Daily Badges (including weekends) - $8
- Seasonal Badges - $100
Purchase beach badges on your mobile device through Viply
- Call 732-842-4000 ext. 4312
Starting May 27, seasonal badges will only be sold at the Beach Office.
Seasonal Badges - $45 (ages 18-61) $30 (ages 14-17)
Purchase at the Long Branch Recreation Department
Daily badges can be purchased at the end of Cedar Ave. at Ocean Place.
- Daily Badges - $6 Monday - Thursday (excluding holidays) | $10 Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Holidays.
- Seasonal Badges - $90 (Ages 12+) $50 (Seniors)
Purchase at Village Beach Gatehouse
- Daily Badges - $5 Monday through Friday | $7 Saturday and Sunday
- Seasonal Badges - $70 (Ages 18-61) | $20 (Ages 13-17 and seniors 62 and older)
Purchase beach badges on your mobile device through Viply, or at the Boardwalk Beach Office.
- Call 732-988-5533
- Daily Badges - $8.50
- Seasonal Badges - $70 (Ages 16 and older) | $30 (Ages 65 and older)
Purchase at Borough Hall
- Daily Badges - (12 or older) - $9
- Season Badges - $90 (Ages 19-64) | $45.50 (Ages 12-18) | $45 (Ages 64 and over)
Purchase at tag booths at Washington, Sylvania and Norwood Avenues
Free for military members.
- Daily Badges - $8
- Seasonal Badges - $55 (Ages 15-61) | $15 (Ages 62 and older)
Purchase at Borough Hall or Beach Office
- Daily Badges - $10
- Seasonal Badges - $105 (Ages 12-64) | $75 Ages 65 and older)
Purchase at Borough Hall
- Call 732-449-9335
Badge sales will begin on April 17, 2017
- Daily Wristband - $9
- Weekly Wristband - $85
- Seasonal Badges - (through April 23, 2017) $80 (Ages 17 and older) | $35 (Ages 12-16) | $25 (Ages 65 and older)
Purchase at Manasquan Beach Office
Ocean County
- Daily Badges - $2.50 (Ages 5-11) | $9 (Ages 12 and older *on weekdays*) | $10 (Ages 12 and older *weekends*
- Seasonal Badges - $90 Full Season (Ages 12 and older) | $65 Half Season (Ages 12 and older) | $65 (62 and older) $45 Full Season (Ages 5-11) | $35 Half Season (Ages 5-11)
Purchase at Jenkinsons Boardwalk
- Daily Badges - $8
- Seasonal Badges - $85
Purchase at Bay Head Improvement Association
- Call 732-375-6098
- Call 732-262-1000
Badge sales will begin on May 5, 2017
- Daily Badges - $10
- Seasonal Badges - $40 through June 12 | $50 starting June 13 | $15 (Ages 65 and older)
Badges can be purchased via mail. Please send a check to Borough of Lavallette/Badges 1306 Grand Central Avenue Lavallette, NJ 08735 (made payable to Borough of Lavallette/Badges). Please include this form.
- Daily Badges - $8
- Weekly Badges (Sunday - Saturday) - $35
- Seasonal Badges - $45 through May 15 | $60 starting May 16
Purchase at Borough Hall
Badge sales will begin on May 1, 2017
- Seasonal Badges - $55 through June 14 | $20 (Ages 65 and older)
Purchase at Beach Control Headquarters – Bath House