2022 grades for NJ hospitals: Is yours one of the safest?
Is the hospital you go to considered one of the safest in New Jersey?
A new review based on more than 30 measures of safety has been completed and most New Jersey hospitals got either an “A” or “B” but several received a grade of “C” and a few got a “D”. There were no "F's".
According to Tyla Minniear, the chief operating officer for the New Jersey Health Care Quality Institute, the Spring 2022 Leapfrog Group Hospital Safety survey shows “we have 30 “A” hospitals in New Jersey, 16 “B” hospitals, 19 “C” hospitals, 4 “D” hospitals and zero “F” hospitals.”
The total number of hospitals getting an “A” or “B” grade this spring is the same as last fall.
There are 3 fewer “C” grade hospitals and 2 more “D” grade hospitals now compared to last November.
How are grades determined?
She said the safety grades are based on “hospital prevention of medical errors and harm to patients, so some of those quality measures could include falls or preventable infections like C-DIFF or MRSA.”
“The goal of the safety grade is really to easily convey to patients how safe their local hospital is, and that really gives a patient more information to make a decision about where they choose to seek care for themselves and for their loved ones.”
N.J. hospitals with an 'A' grade in spring of 2022
Click on a hospital name for the full grading information.
“As you would imagine, from issues that arose during the pandemic like surges in demand and staffing shortages which have been widely reported,’ she said
A list of New Jersey hospital ratings can be found at the Leapfrog Hospital Safety website by clicking here.
She pointed out every hospital in New Jersey voluntarily supplied information to the Leapfrog Group for the survey.
“We applaud every hospital’s commitment to quality and safety transparency in New Jersey, we’re the only state in the nation that has 100% participation,” she said.
Across the nation a total of just under 3,000 hospitals were graded.
The New Jersey Health Care Quality Institute is the regional leader for the Leapfrog Group in the Garden State.
David Matthau is a reporter for New Jersey 101.5. You can reach him at david.matthau@townsquaremedia.com
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