So far, this summer season in New Jersey has been relatively pleasant. Since the season has started we've had some reasonable temperatures with tolerable humidity for the most part, with a few exceptions here and there.

In fact, having nice sleeping weather at night with windows doesn't happen that often in the thick of New Jersey's summer season, which is always a welcoming thing. Aside from that, we've also had quite a stretch of drier weather, which makes for fantastic outdoor plans and activities.

As of this writing, however, that pleasant weather looks like it is coming to an end as the heat in New Jersey is expected to crank up. Not all unexpected, however. After all, it is summer throughout the Great Garden State. And the summer heat is welcomed by many who like to go swimming or head to the beach, so hot weather isn't necessarily a bad thing either.


With that said, we're still dealing with drier than usual conditions across the state. Yes, it does make for better outdoor plans, but the fear of drought might be starting to become a reality for some.

Yes, we may get pop-up showers and storms here and there, but New Jersey really could use some steady rain all across the state. Look at the fire danger we face when it gets exceptionally dry?

It's not just that, however. At home, many of our plants and vegetation also start to dry up. Especially for homeowners, this is a scenario none of us like to see. Despite the drier than usual conditions, however, there are a few good reasons why we should refrain from watering our properties. In particular, our lawns.

(Christian Delbert, ThinkStock)
(Christian Delbert, ThinkStock)

Water conservation & restrictions could become a reality

This reason right here is something to keep in mind (and as of this article, some residents in certain parts of the state are already being asked to do this). Whenever we deal with drier than usual conditions, water levels naturally tend to drop. And New Jersey is no exception when it comes to our water sources.

This isn't to say not to water gardens or flowers. Unless we're in a more extreme situation, watering those shouldn't be that big of a deal. But lawns are typically much larger and require much more water. And when conditions are dry, watering becomes more frequent.

If the long-range forecast doesn't call for much rain when conditions are already dry, it's not such a bad idea now to back off or reduce the amount of watering the lawn gets. If enough of us took this action, it would certainly help us out in the long run with our future water levels if we were to face a potential drought.

A man opening wallet looking for some money

Higher water bills

No matter what it is in New Jersey, the cost of living here is already ridiculous. Why add to that hole in your wallet when it comes to the weather?

When it gets hot, Air conditioners all over will be running more, which guarantees higher electric bills. The same thing will happen in drier conditions if we increase our water consumption to water our lawns.

And again, it's summer. The weather will get hot as it does every year, and our electric bills will naturally go up with the temperatures. There's no reason to add to that financial burden when it comes to your lawn.

Green grass on sunny meadow morning sparkling dew water drops

Lawns will bounce back

One thing about New Jersey's vegetation is that it will bounce back. Whether it's extremely wet or dry conditions, nature has a way of resetting itself and returning to normal.

This is no different for our lawns. Even though they might appear to be dead at the moment, they're actually going into a state of dormancy.

The same thing happens in the winter during the colder months. When conditions aren't favorable for growth, becoming dormant is a way for vegetation to survive even in the most extreme conditions.

Open black umbrella in wet weather. Autumn rain. Deep sorrow. Wet umbrella against backdrop of street. Sad mood. Raining in city. Heavy rain on summer green background. Feel sorrow and sadness

So don't worry too much about the lawn right now. Once the rain finally falls from the sky, grass will return to its former glory, and thus, green lawns once again (see what Chief Meteorologist Dan Zarrow has to say about our upcoming rain chances in the Garden State by clicking/tapping here).

And because conditions have remained dry, New Jersey's utilities are now asking residents in parts of the state to start conserving now and refrain from watering their lawns (click/tap here to see if your area is affected).

But even if you're not in an area that's being asked to conserve at this time, it's still a wise idea to cut back now so we're prepared just in case dry conditions persist statewide in the near future.

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