Meet the Retired Ambulance Worker Who Claims Harry Styles Was Named After Him!
Harry Styles of One Direction shares his name with more than one person in the world. While most Directioners will argue that there is only one Harry Styles in their eyes, the handsome, curly-cued hunk was reportedly named after a retired ambulance worker, 72. Wanna meet the man who makes this claim? Let's get to it, shall we?
According to a local report, the elder Harry Styles claims he met Hazza's mom while the singer was in utero aka when she was pregnant with the future superstar.
The "other" Harry Styles was on duty some 20 years ago and during his shift while working at a concert, he came to the aid of an expectant mother in Birmingham whose last name was Styles. It was almost as if he HAD to help her! They shared a surname, for God's sake.
Mama Styles, whose name is Anne, saw her helper's name tag and said, "You're quite nice. If it's a boy, I'm going to call him Harry."
And there you have it -- some "believe it or not" Hazza lore.
While it was a chance meeting, the former paramedic feels a connection to the singer, joking, "It's a great feeling to know I may have had a part in his fame. Harry is a great name. I'm sure he wouldn't have gone on to have the success he has had if he was called something different."
For all Directioners keeping score at home, Harry was born at Alexandra Hospital in Redditch. His parents, Anne and Des, were living in Evesham, which is just outside of Birmingham, at the time of his birth. So those details fall in line with Mr. Styles' story.
While the elder H. Styles -- we won't call him "Hazza," since there really is only one of those and it's Mr. H. Styles, 20, and out of respect -- is not a 1D fan, he does own a Harry-themed hoodie! His daughter Helen, 42, purchased a hoodie, which reads: "Keep Calm and Love Harry Styles." Of course it has a different meaning for his daughter than for a Directioner.
Harry the Elder also joked, "My daughter put up a picture of me on Facebook saying we had the same name - but sadly I had no replies from any young ladies. But I have to admit I don't think I'd know the other Harry Styles if he walked past me in the street."
Oh, we can tell you how to figure it out, Mr. Styles. Just look for a screaming gaggle of girls chasing after him, shaking and crying and calling out your name.