Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day at Allaire Village in Wall, NJ
Sure, there are plenty of parades and bars where you can celebrate St. Patrick’s Day, but how about experiencing a taste of the old sod at Allaire Village?
On March 12, there will be guided tours of the historic village, with Irish cooking, music, folklore, and history. The tour lasts 90 minutes and features the history and culture of Ireland.
A “period dressed interpreter will escort you to all of our historic buildings and trade shops where villagers are waiting to welcome you and demonstrate traditional Irish cooking, folklore and music!” The Ballycastle Band will play traditional Irish tunes.
There will be traditional Irish cuisine and treats, with food from the Allaire Village Bakery and Pilsen’s Food Truck.
What is Allaire Village’s connection to Ireland? Well, while workers at James P. Allaire’s Howell Works of 1836 were of many ethnic backgrounds, it is believed that the majority were Irish; migrating down to New Jersey from New York, the Irish workers at the Howell Iron Works primarily served as molders for the furnace operation, but also were blacksmiths, farmers, and other skilled furnace workers. They brought with them their customs and traditions.
Tickets are $15 and must be purchased in advance and are sold by time block. Only people with tickets for a guided tour will be allowed in the historic buildings that day (3/12). Children under 5 are not recommended and strollers are not allowed in the historic buildings.
You can buy advance tickets (required) at the Village’s website.
Opinions expressed in the post above are those of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Bill Doyle only.
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