Scared of COVID-19 Vaccine? Hilarious Tiktoker Proves You’ve Been Exposed To Worse At The Jersey Shore, NJ
Disclaimer: This is all for good laughs, Jersey Shore! What better way to laugh at ourselves than by steering into the skid!?
I want to give a shout out to fellow Jersey Tiktoker @ConnieBigBallz for making the Tiktok of the century. I laughed so hard at this, wine came shooting out of my nose so I thought I would be courteous and give you all the same pick me up.
The theme of the video? That New Jersey is not the cleanest or most sanitary of places (I'll let someone saying this go THIS time because she made me laugh) so if you've been there, what is one more quick injection on top of it?

It's a clever but simple set up.
Each time, Connie fills in the blank to this statement:
If you've ever....then don't worry about what's in the vaccine!
Now before you switch to internet troll mode, listen to some of her bullet points.
It's funny because it's true.
Ever swam on the Jersey Shore...then don't worry about whats in the vaccine!
(To be fair, doesn't salt water kill germs?)
Ever ridden New Jersey Transit...then don't worry about whats in the vaccine!
(Choooo chooooooo)
Ever stopped on the Jersey Turnpike....then don't worry about whats in the vaccine!
(At least those rest stops have some solid snacks and munchies...aka worth the health risk)
Ever been to D'Jais in Belmar....then don't worry about what's in the vaccine!
(But according to Connie, maybe you should get an STD test as well)
The bottom line is if you've ever been to New Jersey....DON'T WORRY ABOUT WHAT'S IN THE VACCINE!
(But seriously, what did we ever do to be known as one of the dirtiest places in the world?)
Ever drink a Four Loko before they adjusted the recipe in 2010...then don't worry about what's in the vaccine!
(I had many a college nights with those OG Four Lokos and yes, they made people go crayyyyy...Not healthy but a very fun time if I must admit and they were all over the Garden State!)
Ever gone to the shore house seen on MTV's Jersey Shore...don't worry about what's in the vaccine!
(FYI: The address is 1209 Boardwalk in Seaside Heights if you want to see the house in person)
Its just so funny because it is so true.
I'd like to look at it this way: we are building our immune systems to be the strongest in the world! So in and of its own, that is a *FLEX!*
Take a look at Connie Big Ballz's video because I can tell you about it all I want, there is nothing like watching her in her prime and glory with that bold, red lipstick.
So what do you think....did Connie miss anything?
Then email me at Nicole.Murray@townsquaremedia.com.
Stay safe everyone!
And if you haven't experienced all the Jersey Shore has had to offer just yet, you are missing out.
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