How to (and how not to) pump your own gas in NJ (Opinion)
The day many New Jerseyans have longed for is the same day many other New Jerseyans feared. The day legislation would be introduced to allow self-serve gasoline sales in the Garden State. That day came Monday, February 28, 2022.
For more than 70 years you have not been trusted to do what the rest of the United States is considered perfectly competent to handle. It’s been a bad Jersey joke. It’s understandable some will reject this form of fueling vehicles. It’s been this way our entire adult lives. It’s foreign. So for some, it’s scary.
Keep in mind the bipartisan legislation calls for a full-serve option at larger gas stations so for those unwilling to try helping themselves there will still be the status quo available. Read more about the proposal here.
For those willing to try it but have some self-doubt about their self-serve ability, I’m offering two videos. The first is a "how to," and the second will be a "how not to."
It’s not so hard.
Here’s a guy who took it upon himself to make this tutorial to help out the people of Oregon when that state expanded their limited self-serve law. (And think about that New Jersey…we’re behind Oregon for God’s sake!)
It’s a great video that calmly walks you through most of what you’ll need to know should self-serve finally come to our state.
OK, see? Does that look like anything you cannot handle? If so, remember the proposed New Jersey law will still make full-serve available as an option. It’s consumer choice and it’s fair.
Now what about what NOT to do?
Don’t be these women.
Please rest assured no Jersey girls were hurt in the making of this video.
Opinions expressed in the post above are those of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Jeff Deminski only.
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