Is New Jersey better or worse off with legal weed? (Opinion)
It sorta figures that one day after the world celebrates marijuana on 4/20 that New Jersey would finally get legalized recreational weed on 4/21. Finally, it's here! New Jersey people can purchase legal weed from dispensaries. Are we better or worse off?
It depends on who you ask. Personally, I'm a huge proponent. People in New Jersey have been getting high forever. It's about time we should be able to do it legally since we already have alcohol and tobacco, which are much more harmful to us.
With all the pressure and stress we're under just living in New Jersey, especially under this leadership, we need something that can mellow us out a little bit. Perhaps we won't be so stressed. I know we're going to find the humor in a lot more things that should make the comedians happy.
From a money aspect, you would think the taxes legal weed would bring in could make a difference in New Jersey, but I wouldn't expect much. After all, where are all the sports betting money we're making going?
It would be nice if they earmarked the marijuana money for something like say property taxes but why should government worry about that when there are more important things like teaching gender identity to first graders? But I digress.
The money we make from legal weed will go into the abyss that is New Jersey and it's only a matter of time before they tell us they need to charge more. But this is not about the money. It's about you being able to get high whenever and wherever you like without committing a crime.
So in the end are we better or worse off with legal weed?
Justin Morris
Hopefully, calm people down, and increase state tax revenue
Ed Rufolo
It'll line politicians' pockets and we won't see a decrease in taxes but people will be so stoned they won't notice
Robert Michelin
Looking forward to the first Pot Karaoke Bar. Only Dave Matthews Band and Snoop Dogg songs.
Tina Marie
Stoners have a better range than THAT. I prefer Adele.
Tina Marie
I am absolutely looking forward to seeing what happens. Did they print the rules for Driving yet? Because you technically can't drive until 4hrs afterward.
Robert Pisani
How do they test someone that is Under the influence? Will there be a lab technician riding with the police to draw blood to see what the THC levels are?
Andy Rehorn
It will and it sucks. Like there's not enough alcohol and other mind-altering drugs out there... too bad.
Chris Corona Moses
It will not go well. We won't see a penny in reduced taxes. The politicians will line their pockets and we'll see people walking around stoned.
Melynda B. Ulrich
Our car insurance rates will go up, just like Colorado. And it's going to be an HR and Workers Comp nightmare for employers.
Opinions expressed in the post above are those of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Steve Trevelise only. Follow him on Twitter @realstevetrev.
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