But is the high five on its way out?

I was never big into handshakes, no matter how 'professional' it is to do so in the workplace or upon an intruduction to someone. I am, after all, a mom who is already exposed to enough germs that the kids bring home from school.

To me, the handshake, as well as the high (or low) five and paddycake for that matter, is one of THE BEST way to spread germs. I mean...really....for all the advice we're given on washing our hands as often as possible and never touching our eyes, nose, mouth, or ears with our hands/fingers, why hasn't the handshake and high five been banned?!

I personally think we need to accept other ways of formal greetings that don't involve the direct spreading of germs. Because, in all honesty, if I'm gonna catch a germ, I'd at least rather it be from my children and NOT FROM A STRANGER WHOSE HAND I FELT OBLIGATED TO SHAKE lest I seem rude.

The fist-bump is a little better, since you don't spread germs on the back of your knuckles as easily....but how 'bout we just smile and wave...from a distance?!

Aren't I warm and fuzzy today?!

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