How to get a Trader Joe’s in your town in NJ
How would I explain Trader Joe’s? Hmmm. It’s like a grocery store for cool people. No wait. A grocery store for when you’re going to throw a party. That’s always how I felt about them.
Wikipedia describes them as private-label staple foods, organic foods and specialty items. They carry about one-tenth of what a regular supermarket will and roughly 80% of what they carry will be its own brand. Oh, and let’s not forget about Two Buck Chuck for you inexpensive wine lovers.
If you’re already a fan of Trader Joe’s you might be dismayed to know less than 4% of all their stores nationwide are found in New Jersey. We only have 19 in the entire state. And is that really enough?
If your answer is no, this is for you. Did you know Trader Joe’s actively asks its fans where they’d like to see a Trader Joe’s built? For instance, I live in Hunterdon County where there’s not a single one.
But we can do something about that.
On TraderJoes.com there is a submission form found under the “contact us” section called Request A Trader Joe’s In My City.
If you think your town could use a little Trader Joe’s magic you just need to give your name, email, town and state where you want a Trader Joe’s built and tell them why it would be a good fit in the comment section.
Thefw.com ran a story on it and they say thousands across the country have already made location requests.
On their website Trader Joe’s states, “There are no guarantees, but being wanted matters to us.”
Doesn’t it to us all.
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Gallery Credit: Stacker
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Gallery Credit: Madison Troyer & Zack Abrams
Opinions expressed in the post above are those of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Jeff Deminski only.
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