The BEST Crumb Cake is Right Here at the Jersey Shore
Crumb cake, any time of the year is just perfect. We have the best here in New Jersey.
The best crumb cake here at the Jersey Shore is my opinion, try it you will love it. (In my opinion)
Crumb cake is "huge" and here at the Jersey Shore it is one of those desserts, breakfast treat, or snacks that everyone grabs.
It's that buttery goodness with sugary, thick crumbs on top.
I remember growing up in Pennsylvania, crumb cake was pretty popular. Not quite as popular as shoofly pie. But, it's funny how the top of a shoofly pie the same as the top of a crumb cake.
There are so many recipes to make the perfect crumb cake. My nana used to make such a delicious crumb cake, which was my Dad's favorite. Before my Dad passed, I made sure to take him to this place at the Jersey Shore to grab a piece of their "world" famous crumb cake. He absolutely loved it. From that point I knew they were the best.
Where is the "BEST" crumb cake at the Jersey Shore?
It's Mueller's Bakery in Bay Head.
Not only is it at the Jersey Shore, it's in Ocean County. Mueller's puts their special touch on the already delicious crumb cake. We received so many emails about Mueller's Bakery about crumb cake, and I have to totally agree.
Yes, we have delicious bakeries here in Ocean County and the Jersey Shore, but when it comes to crumb cake, you chose, Mueller's Bakery is the ultimate winner of the "best" crumb cake.
I guess the question is, do you like fruit in the middle? Do you like just the cake? Chocolate, possibly in the middle of it. Enjoy that crumb cake, stop my Mueller's Bakery in Bay Head, you will love it.
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