Love Your Neighbor Food Drive
You don't even have to get out of your car! Just pull up and drop off.
Show some love for your neighbor up and down the shore from Manasquan to Asbury Park and all beach towns in-between. Here's how you can lend a hand by donating.
Coastal Habitat for Humanity is collecting non-perishable food and drinks. Think juice boxes, canned food, dry pasta, cereal, granola bars/power bars/breakfast bars/protein bars, peanut butter, etc.
Just drive up to Coastal Habitat's Restore (pictured here) at 1105 Memorial Dr. in Asbury Park and drop off your donations.
Collections will take place this Friday and Saturday, May 29th ad 30th, from 10 am - 1 pm.
Donations will then be distributed to those in need by the Community Affairs & Resource Center.
And once the Restore opens back up (upon the governor's restart of our economy post covid-19) put this store on the list of places you will shop for furniture, kitchen cabinets, appliances, and so many other things you can use for your home. This store is full of gently-used items. Or, if you are remodeling and need to get rid of some useable items from inside your home, consider donating them to Coastal Habitat. Many times they can even arrange for pickup.
Also please consider grabbing a group of your friends or co-workers and volunteering some of your time to help build a home or do some rehab work on an existing home through Coastal Habitat. It is a very rewarding way to help those in need whether you have previous experience or not!
If you need more info, email Kim Sambade: ksambade@coastalhabitat.org

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