Mosquito Madness Free Tire Pick-Up in Long Branch
Here's an interesting way to help head off a bad mosquito problem this spring.
Help eliminate mosquito breeding grounds by getting rid of any tires lying around your yard. Why? Because tires collect water, which attracts mosquitoes. And 'container mosquitoes' are the number one mosquito problem in Monmouth County.
Listen to this: One tire can produce more than 10,000 biting mosquitoes!!!
So controlling the mosquito population protects us all from mosquito-borne diseases. From March 1st until April 15th, the Monmouth County Mosquito Control Division is offering a complimentary tire pick-up program for residents of Long Branch.
The Mosquito Control Team will come to your property and pick-up as many as ten tires without rims -- you don't even need to bring the tires to the curb! (Just securely cover or bring inside any tires that you want to keep.)
Municipalities in Monmouth County don't have tire pick-up as part of regular garbage removal. Many towns will accept up to eight, 18-inch rim-less tires at their Municipal Recycling Facilities. Monmouth County residents can dispose of rim-less tires, free of charge, at the Monmouth County Reclamation Center as well.
To make arrangements for the tire pick-up in Long Branch, call Monmouth County Mosquito Control at 732-542-3630 or send your name, address, number of tires and location of tires on the property to mosquitoes@co.monmouth.nj.us.
I am awaiting an answer from the county as to whether this service may be provided in other towns around Monmouth County and will update this blog as soon as I hear.