This is something I notice all the time while driving on New Jersey's roadways, and now there's a study to confirm this.

Before I dive into it, first check out this news article by Jen Ursillo regarding this study. Almost a quarter of New Jersey drivers weren't even aware this law existed, and just over 40% feel not moving over is dangerous at all.

I drive on New Jersey's major roadways on a semi-regular basis and see this behavior quite a bit. Honestly, I simply don't get why there's a disconnect to just move over.

Whether or not you see flashing lights on the left or right, the law states that you should move over for the safety of everyone.

Just so we're on the same page, however, if you do any of the following, you should check out the recent study to understand why this law is so important.

Rocks thrown onto Route 1
(Brian McCarthy)

Routine pullover

The most common sight we see on the roads.

If a police officer is pulling someone over, they're already thinking of the potential dangers associated with the person they pulled over. The last thing they should have to worry about is you speeding by mere feet from them.

If another lane is available, move over. And if not, hug the opposite side of the lane as much as possible to give the police officer a safety buffer.

Road construction sign.

Road work & construction

Another common sight on our roadways some drivers seem to pay no attention to. If you see cones on the side of the road and you have an available lane to move to, change lanes.

Not only might a construction worker be near the edge of the road, but large construction equipment could also be there. Let's let everyone stay safe, let them work safely.

Monkey Business Images Ltd, ThinkStock

A breakdown

If you've never broken down before along the side of a busy highway, consider yourself fortunate. It's a scary thing when it happens.

Not only is that person trying to assess how to get out of that situation, but the fear of possibly getting hit by another car is also real. Please take it easy and move around them safely.

Pedestrian fatalities are on the rise in NJ. (kevron2001, ThinkStock)
Pedestrian fatalities are on the rise in NJ. (kevron2001, ThinkStock)


A sidewalk might not always be available, and you never know the situation as to why one might be walking alongside a busy highway in the first place.

If you see someone, try to give them space, and change lanes if possible.

Federal Stimulus Act Transportation Projects Start In Colorado
Road construction (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images)

Slow down

Now yes, there are situations where either the highway is full of traffic, or there's simply no other lane for you to move to.

If you're unable to move over, the next best thing to do is slow down. At least then it'll give you more time to react in case something unexpected happens.

Not only is it safer for whatever's happening on the side of the road, but it's also safer for you as well.

Photo: Bill Spadea
Photo: Bill Spadea

If you don't understand the importance of this law or why it makes the roadways safer, then my recommendation is to study the rules of NJ's roadways. And to be frankly honest, it's sad that this even has to be a law in the first place.

Common sense should prevail here, but way too many drivers in NJ seem to struggle with that. So please, move over, NJ.

And it's not only the move-over law we struggle with. Oftentimes, we have to deal with those in the left lane refusing to move.

Mike Brant - Townsquare Media
Mike Brant - Townsquare Media

So do left-lane drivers who refuse to move over get under your skin? Click here to dive into that and see what you think.

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The post above reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5 Sunday morning host Mike Brant. Any opinions expressed are his own.

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