If you're looking to find the closest New Jersey shelters in your area in case of an evacuation, here is some helpful information.

Where are the closest shelters to you in NJ?
Allison Shelley/Getty Images

If you're searching for a local NJ shelter the American Red Cross has a page set up where you can put in your address and find the most local shelter to your area. You can view that page by clicking HERE, or if you have a smartphone, you can download the app for your phone by going to www.fema.gov/smartphone-app

IF you're on your mobile phone, you can find local shelters by texting the word "SHELTER+ your local zip code" (You must enter the + before your zip code) to the number 43362.

If you're looking for a shelter by County, you can click HERE.

Additional information on shelters, the application process for the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and social services can be viewed at the following websites:


For people looking for assistance in Monmouth County specifically, county officials a Hurricane Sandy Hotline, for all information of residents affected by the storm. The phone # is 732-303-2882

If you're looking for general information, you can visit the New Jersey Office of Emergency Management, by clicking HERE.

Do you have any updated information on local shelters? Share it in the comment fields below.

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