Other states can send you red-light cam tickets. NJ may stop helping them
Have you gotten a camera-generated ticket for speeding or running a red light in New York City, Maryland or other places? Legislation has been reintroduced in Trenton that seeks to stop it.
The bill, S2893, would prohibit New Jersey from disclosing personal information about New Jersey driver’s license holders in cases of automated camera infractions in other states or the District of Columbia.
“Our goal is to stop New Jersey from essentially being complicit in other states’ corrupt revenue-generating schemes,” said state Sen. Declan O’Scanlon, R-Monmouth.
New Jersey doesn’t have speed cameras, and it no longer allows red-light cameras. But O’Scanlon, a vocal opponent of the traffic-ticket cameras, said New Jerseyans get exploited by them in other places and deserve protection from their home states.
“I think it’s our job as representatives of all New Jersey residents to, as best we can, shield our residents from being taken advantage of in this way and essentially permitting other states to steal from our residents,” O’Scanlon said.
“These are not homicidal maniacs putting other people in danger,” he said. “These are people behaving reasonably who are then taken advantage of by these systems and essentially subject to highway robbery, literally, by these other states. We shouldn’t be complicit in that.”
Two years ago, the Senate approved a similar bill 38-0. But it never got considered by the Assembly transportation committee before that legislative session expired.
The bill is also sponsored by state Sen. Nicholas Sacco, D-Hudson.
O’Scanlon said he wants the law to ensure that E-ZPass doesn’t share the information it can access to implement its multistate, electronic toll collection program.