Rutgers University is being sued in federal court by a group of students opposed to the schools vaccine mandate to attend classes in the Fall.

Arguing the mandate violates the 14th Amendment and deprives students of their right to refuse unwanted medical procedures, the suit was filed by the Children's Health Defense. The non-profit activist group lists an "emergency campaign" on its website to stop all vaccine mandates.

Rutgers was the first school in the nation to announce all students would be required to show proof of vaccination or be denied enrollment. Since, nearly a dozen other schools of higher learning have followed in New Jersey.

The lawsuit argues that all people "have the right to decide...what to inject in their bodies," and accuses Rutgers of coercing students to get "an experimental COVID-19 vaccine" in order to continue their studies. Rutgers did offer medical and religious exemptions from the vaccine mandate.

Vaccine mandates have become widespread on college campuses across the U.S. Students at Indiana University challenged their schools mandate, asking U.S. Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett to block it last week. Justice Barret refused, and allowed the mandate to stand in the first ruling by the high court on a vaccine mandate case.

The vaccine lawsuit comes the same day a group of parents filed suit against the Murphy administration over the governor's mandate that all kid wear a mask when in-person classes resume next month. Filed in Superior Court by the group "Jersey 1st," the suit alleges Murphy's mask mandate violates the First Amendment rights of parents and children.

Jersey1st President, Rosemary Beechi said the mask mandate was also unfair, because masks are not required in most other locations in New Jersey.

That could change as early as this week. Governor Murphy is due back in New Jersey after vacationing at his Italian villa, and it is widely expected he could announce a new statewide indoor mask mandate as early as Friday.

Point Pleasant Beach NJ: 11 most popular spots

The oceanside location of Point Pleasant Beach has been a source of enjoyment for centuries.

The first permanent boardwalk was built in 1915 and in the late 1920’s, Orlo Jenkinson built Jenkinson’s Pavilion and Swimming Pool. 

Over the past 100 years or so, the community has grown into a vibrant resort destination for state residents and tourists, alike.

NJ towns and their nicknames

Parkway stops getting renamed after these NJ greats

Some of New Jersey's most iconic figures are getting their names on something other than awards or gold records: Garden State Parkway rest stops.

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