Six Flags’ Wild Safari Drive-Thru Adventure In Jackson, NJ Brings Bongos, Asian Water Buffalos & A Baby Kangaroo To The Jersey Shore In 2021
Six Flags Great Adventure is gearing up for their 2021 season and I am pumped.
On March 27th, our favorite Jersey Shore amusement park opens for the season but in regards to this big announcement, the day that matters most is March 20th!
That's just 5 days, Six Flags Great Adventure is opening up their Wild Safari Drive-Thru Adventure for the upcoming season!
And there is going to be multiple ADORABLE additions!
What is a Bongo? When I first heard it... I had no idea.
I did a Google search (as we do for everything these days) and according to Wikipedia, Bongos are:
"...herbivorous, mostly nocturnal forest ungulates. Bongos are characterized by a striking reddish-brown coat, black and white markings, white-yellow stripes and long slightly spiraled horns."
If you take a look at that clip posted above by Six Flags, you will get to see EXACTLY what a Bongo looks like.
To me, it looks like an antelope mixed with a deer....but with stripes. Aren't they cute?!
A few fun facts:
Bongos are the 3rd largest antelope in the world.
They are critically endangered in the wild.
And thanks to human development, their natural environments are being destroyed more and more every day.
In the video, you also meet two other new additions: Pippa the baby Kangaroo and Benjamin Button the Asian Water Buffalo.
So much cuteness in one video....AHHH!!!
There is a lot to check out at Six Flags Great Adventure's Wild Safari Drive-Thru Adventure and remember, you NEED a reservation to be able to enter.
So make a reservation so you can meet all these cuties in person!
So excited.