hair styles

Can You Have Great Hair In One Minute?
Can You Have Great Hair In One Minute?
Can You Have Great Hair In One Minute?
This is one of those topics that guys just don't relate to. It takes me 15 minutes to get ready in the morning, 30 minutes from the alarm to the Parkway. I know women take a lot longer than that, and believe me girls, the guys appreciate all the effort. Could you imagine leaving the house in the morning, though, with hair you love, and it only took a minute to do?
Is The ‘Bob’ the Hairdo for 2012?
Is The ‘Bob’ the Hairdo for 2012?
Is The ‘Bob’ the Hairdo for 2012?
Many experts are saying the 'bob' hairdo is the hot trend in 2012. Don't ask me why, but I was reading an article about the history of the 'bob' at promise you it was research for this post, I'm very happy with my hair the way it is.) According to the article, it became prevelant during World War I when so many women joined the work force and needed a hairdo that was easy to manage. R
What Do Guys Really Think of Your Hair?
What Do Guys Really Think of Your Hair?
What Do Guys Really Think of Your Hair?
Alberto E. Rodriguez, Getty Images Did you ever wonder what your guy is thinking when he's looking at your hair? Well, according to, a lot more than you might imagine! They asked guys what different hairstyles tell them about a girl, and there are some surprising results.