Love bringing local history to you. Giving you a quick history lesson custom designed for us here at the Jersey Shore. We have a rich history here in New Jersey and at the Jersey Shore.
One of the things I enjoy when looking at what stories to share with you is looking at history here at the Jersey Shore and I love to learn about where we live. As they say “You can’t really know where you are going until you know where you have been.”~ Maya Angelou.
When we think of old schools in Ocean County, we can have a hard time coming up with ideas because for the most part all districts have fairly new schools and would not be considered old or “antique”.
So when we look into history, whether here at the Jersey Shore or anywhere in the world, it can lead us down many roads and sometimes you find your answer and other times you end up simply with more questions.
I love to give you articles that help educate and bring awareness to events, organizations and buildings of history here at the Jersey Shore. To give you some insight into things that helped shape our communities here at the Jersey Shore and around New Jersey.
History is a hobby now for me and the more I can find out about our own local “Jersey Shore” history, the better. We may not have the “oldest” history here at the Shore, but we are definitely not the “youngest”.
The weather is so flipping refreshing, I just want to go on New Jersey adventures! I've been researching some cool places to go on the weekends now that we are all able to get out more and I stumbled upon this spooky and historical find!
If you are looking for a great "historical" experience here at the Jersey Shore, then you must make a visit to historic Moore's Tavern & Restuarant in Freehold, Monmouth County.
According to Lakehurst the church was built circa 1874 by Irish immigrants who were working on the railroad and it’s the oldest , Roman Catholic, church in Ocean County.