When it comes to cursing, nobody does it better than we do here at the Garden State, and we have lots of reasons to practice each and every day. We take cursing to an art form. If it were an Olympic sport, we'd be wearing gold. And the Jersey Shore in particular excels in this category. So which towns do it the best and the most often here at the Jersey Shore?

Unsplash, Dimitri Vechorko
Unsplash, Dimitri Vechorko

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Let's start by putting our level of cursing in perspective on a national level. A few years back Thrillist ranked New Jersey as the #36 cursing state in the nation. Everybody's car windows must have been closed the day they counted the cursing. #36? That's pretty &%$#!# insulting.

Then we started thinking about the towns that probably curse the most. And remember, we don't think it's a negative. We just think it's a Jersey Shore thing. So here are what we think are the top 3, in no particular order.

Brick. Any town that calls Brick Blvd home is going to be deep in cursing experience, and the more you do it, the better you get at it. Plus, you could cut the population of Brick in half, and there might still be too many people, right. And yet, Brick is home to some of the nicest people. Don't know how you do it! but we're glad you do.

Belmar. If you get a parking spot in the summer, you better not move your car for at least eight weeks. Summer is a constant tourist turnstile (not that we're complaining) but the hustle and bustle can't help but lead to pretty frequent and colorful verbal venting.

Rumson. Wait. What? If you just count the "I'm not mowing that 12 acre %#$@## lawn" comments, and the "how did all that &##@#$%$%$ money get into my account" exclamations, this beautiful town soars right up to the cursing summit. Of course, we kid. Rumson is a pure gem, and literally one of the most beautiful places we know!

People Who Live In The 50 best beach towns in America Probably Don't Curse A Lot

Every beach town has its share of pluses and minuses, which got us thinking about what makes a beach town the best one to live in. To find out, Stacker consulted data from WalletHub, released June 17, 2020, that compares U.S. beach towns. Ratings are based on six categories: affordability, weather, safety, economy, education and health, and quality of life. The cities ranged in population from 10,000 to 150,000, but they had to have at least one local beach listed on TripAdvisor. Read the full methodology here. From those rankings, we selected the top 50. Readers who live in California and Florida will be unsurprised to learn that many of towns featured here are in one of those two states.

Keep reading to see if your favorite beach town made the cut.

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