Let me preface this post by saying that I want to be like this guy.

As I was scrolling through my feed on Facebook, I scrolled past a link from NorthJersey.com titled “Hackensack NJ Man Has Eaten Pizza Everyday For 30 Years” and I have to say I instantly wanted to know more, I wanted to know his story, what his favorite toppings were -- you know… the important questions about life.

The post is about 41 year old Hackensack resident Mike Romans that has apparently eaten pizza every single day for dinner since he was four years old, for OVER 30 YEARS!!

I don’t know why I am so excited about this…

The article goes on to say that Roman’s mother gave into his picky eating as a kid and that’s how he ended up eating pizza for dinner everyday -- and for 10 of those year's, he apparently also ate pizza ALSO for lunch, too.

I think the best part about this story is that the guy is in shape. You would think that a guy that eats pizza every single day for over 30 year's would be super heavy and out of shape -- but it’s quite the opposite. See a picture of Romans, here.

I’ll be honest. I don’t know if I could do it. Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love pizza… but I am not sure that I could have pizza every single day for over 30 years. Sushi? Yes. Pizza? I don’t think so.

Would you be able to eat the same food every day for 30+ years? Let us know in the comment section below!

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