Why Can’t I Fall Asleep and STAY asleep?!
I used to be able to sleep anytime, anywhere, for as long as I wanted. Now I TRY to get to sleep at a decent hour and aim for 7 hours (yea...right) but either I can't FALL asleep, or I can't STAY asleep. If you suffer like I do, here are some strategies from sleep experts.
1. Get Specific. Give yourself a specific bedtime. (Yes, just like you do with your children.) Since most asults need seven to nine hours of sleep (I wish!) every night, just pick your wake-up time and do the math to see what time you should hit the pillow.
2. Ignore Your Body. It's way too easy to stay busy into the night. You just want to throw in one more load of laundry. Or you really have to make just one more phone call. Stop! Don't wait until you feel sleepy to start getting ready for bed. Instead, let your brain (and common sense) dictate when you go to bed.
3. Shut It Down. Stay away from the Internet for at least an hour before your bedtime. Television, too. (whaaaaaaat?!!) Both are very stimulating and can stop your brain from winding down.
4. Get Ready Early. Take out your contacts, brush your teeth, and get changed way before you get too tired.
5. Create a Ritual. Do the exact same things at the same time every night. It won't take long for your body to understand that you mean business.
....and two things I will add from my own experience:
-- Shut off your cell phone if you don't want a call or text to wake you up right after you've finally gotten to sleep, and
--Don't drink too many liquids too close to bed time, or you may find yourself needing the bathroom right in the middle of dreamland.
Best of luck and, if you do successfully get to sleep tonight, sweet dreams!