Some of these tips are simple, others seem like quite a challenge --especially first thing in the morning!

1. Get 7 or more hours of sleep. This is JUST as necessary as drinking plenty of water and developing healthy eating habits. Getting enough sleep helps decrease inflammation, lowers your risk of depression, lessens the chances of you falling asleep behind the wheel, and helps keep you from gaining weight. A good night's sleep also helps lower stress.

2. Pray or meditate. Be thankful and grateful for what you DO have. This can lead to a sense of clarity and abundance, greater success, and attracting positive things and people into your life.

3. Get in some hard physical activity. Simply put, work up a sweat on a regular basis. Exercise is mandatory for a healthful life.

4. Eat 30 grams of protein. It will leave you feeling fuller for longer periods of time because protein-rich foods take a while to digest. Protein also regulates blood sugar levels and helps to decrease your cravings for white carbs!

5. Take a cold shower!!!!! I will say from much experience that every time I get my hair shampooed at a hair salon I now ask for COLD water. I used to love the feeling of a hot or warm shampoo but I now find cold water leave me feeling invigorated and SO much better than warm or hot water. Not to mention that cold water is SO much better for your hair! for jumping in a cold shower? Don't think my body could handle anything below 60, but some people (like Tony Robbins) say even if it's a shock to your system, a cold shower(57 degrees) or pool can provide long-lasting changes to your body's immune lymphatic, circulatory, and digestive systems AND boost your metabolism.

6. Listen to or read meaningful things. The world's most successful people often read and are constantly learning. Take at least 15 minutes to read each morning or to listen to a good, positive audio show or book-on-tape to perform at your highest level.

7. Review your plans in order to put your day into the proper perspective. Know where you are going in life and how your daily choices can help you get there.

8. Do something to move forward. That list you have? Accomplish the most challenging thing first. Knock it off the list. It beats taking a step back and will keep you moving ahead. Don't put off 'til tomorrow what you can do today.

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