I lost a bet with my wife and I will spend the next year in charge of doing all the housework. Yep, all of it.

Prior to the bet, I was in charge of all the outside stuff and Diane was in charge of the inside work. It worked out pretty well. When there was a lot of outside stuff, she helped me, and when I noticed a pile of dishes, or we had company, I would chip in.

But earlier in the week when I merely mentioned that I might be a better recycler than her she brought out the big guns. Before I knew it, town officials were judging our recycling and proclaiming her the better recycler. If you need me, I'll be scrubbing the toilet.

Then it dawned on me that no guy wants to go through this alone, so let's see how many guys I can get involve d in this. Who is willing to take on all the household chores...for a year?  Anyone? Hello?


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