So the listeners' advice has saved me! Read on to see why I am wearing goggles.

I borrowed these from my son.

Yes they are swimming goggles.

And yes, I am wearing them in my kitchen.

Why, you ask?

Well, because nothing else worked! I have tried chewing mint gum, I have tried keeping my mouth shut, I have tried refrigeration, I have tried sweet vs.others....but nothing else has worked when it comes to...

...chopping onions!

Until now! These ultra tight goggles kept my eyes from burning and kept me from having tears running down my face until all of my makeup was gone while chopping onions.

So thanks to those who suggested this. The sweet onions didn't work, keeping the onions in the fridge/freezer before chopping didn't help, the gum thing didn't work, but THIS!!!! GOGGLES!!! Worked!

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