709 in Point Pleasant Beach Sold
709 in Pt. Pleasant Beach has been sold. What does this mean for the restaurant?
Here's what we know thanks to Jersey Bites.
709 is now the property of the owners of B2 Bistro + Bar in Red Bank. After renovations are complete, the eatery will be known as "B2 Point Beach."
Changes to the interior and exterior and coming, and the new menu has already been rolled out. Jersey Bites says that 709 has moved into "B2’s elevated signature dishes."
Happy Hour will be longer, so that's good! Happy hour will take place Monday through Friday from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. Sundays will feature an all-day Happy Hour.
Clearly, the "B2" brand is expanding. We're looking forward to experiencing B2 in PPB!
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